KYSCCA Promo Video

We are putting together a montage of video clips for promotional purposes. This is for booth use at upcoming events.

All videos should be at their original full resolution and be pre-edited for length. Please keep these to no more than 30 seconds each. Actual used clips will be held to 5-10 seconds, so please send the highlights only.

Video clips may consist of members interacting, event wide-shots, action and anything that promotes a positive and fun experience. The final video will consist of a variety of clips, although most donated footage may not be used.

E-mail clips to:

If your E-mail account can’t mail your file due to a large file size, send an E-mail to the above address for further to upload files using another easy method.

Clips must be owned by you. The club assumes your permission to use your donated video clips, in part or whole, for the purpose to promote the club to the general public. KYSCCA will only use your submission for this project and any future KYSCCA media projects. KYSCCA will not sale or provide any use of your submission to any other entity outside of the KYSCCA.

Any questions or comments may be E-mailed to or contact Armando Manzo at 502-594-0904.
