Dear KYR Members,
Please view the proposed, updated bylaws and all new policies and procedures to be discussed at the next board meeting (Wednesday, April 29, 2015 @7:00PM EST @BIK)
Voting takes place by printed ballot. Your ballot (with instructions) will be the last page of your Downshift Published Online and Sent via USPS April 30, 2015.
Ballots must be returned to Me (2015 KYR Secretary) via snail mail or hand delivery by the next membership meeting (Thursday, May 7 @7:00PM EST @BIK). A two thirds majority is required to pass the new bylaws. Considerable support is needed at this time. See you then.
-Annie Steinke, 2015 KYR Secretary
Proposed KYSCCA Policies and Procedures 4-15-15
Proposed KYSCCA Bylaws 4-15-15