2025 KYSCCA Test N Tune


7:30 am - 5:00 pm


Salem Motorsports Park
2593 IN-56, Salem, IN, 47167

Event Type

Event Type: Autocross/Solo

Register Here: http://msreg.com/kyscca-2025-tnt

Well, another year of competition, socializing, and sunburn is upon us.  This is KY Region’s kickoff Test and Tune event.  Participation is limited to 30 participants for each session. This will be the perfect time to make sure all the bolts are tight and working as intended from all of our off-season maintenance and/or upgrades.  You did those right?

We welcome all attendees and look forward to #funwithcars with our friends, new and old.

Schedule of the day:

Check In/Registration/Tech — 8:00 am

Test and Tune Session Start time: 10:00 am

Test and Tune Session End time: 5:00 pm


All day–$80

We welcome all attendees and look forward to #funwithcars with our friends, new and old.


  • Helmets are required. If you need to purchase a helmet the SA2015 is the most common, a complete list of acceptable helmet certifications can be found here SCCA acceptable helmet certifications.
  • Waivers:
    • KYSCCA encourages annual waivers and provides reusable silicone wristbands for the season for all annual waiver holders. Find out more here: SCCA Annual Waivers
    • Minors: Minor waivers must be signed by BOTH parents, and the waiver is good for the entire year. Minors have their own reusable silicone wristband for the season.  SCCA Annual Waivers
    • If you do not have an SCCA Annual Waiver that is approved, you will need to sign the event waiver at the gate.


  • You have tested positive for Covid-19
  • Have been directly exposed to someone who has tested positive in the past two weeks
  • Are not feeling well