Driving School
Join us for KYSCCA Autocross Drivers School, the event will be limited to the first 12 paid drivers. SCHOOL IS FULL
Entry fee is $90 for both SCCA members and non-members, entry includes entry into the KYSCCA Autocross June 26th.
Entry includes lunch.
Schedule is subject to change. Event will run from 9am to 3pm with the possibility of open runs following the event.
Event schedule:
7:30am-8:00am Driver check in and vehicle tech.
8:00am Drivers/Instructors meeting.
8:30am-11:30am Driver instruction.
11:30am-12:00 Lunch.
12:00-2:00pm Driver instruction.
Registration Fees: $90 for Kentucky Region SCCA and Associate members and non-members (weekend memberships).
Join us for KYSCCA Autocross Test-n-Tune, the event will be limited to the first 50 paid drivers.
Entry fee is $50 for both SCCA members and non-members, entry DOES NOT INCLUDE entry into the KYSCCA Autocross June 26th.
Drivers are not required to work the course.
Event schedule (subject to change):
9:00 Tech opens
10:00am Course opens for driving
3:00pm Couse closes
Registration Fees: $50 for Kentucky Region SCCA and Associate members and non-members (weekend memberships).