OCT 12 AUTOX LOCATION CHANGE… And other updates from our AD

Even though summer is over and the cool days of fall have arrived the racing and race related activities within the KYSCCA are still HOT! October and even the beginning of November (stay tuned for a way cool announcement ) have plenty of activities still to get your motor sports fix!

First thing to note. The October 12th fun event #3 Autocross location has been CHANGED and is now being held at the Kentucky Expo Center lot “J”. Be sure to make note of the new location and enter through gate 6 off Preston hwy, as always we only have 100 parking passes and once they are gone the KEC will charge $6 per car for entry.

We also have the monthly membership meeting this Thursday October 2nd at Bluegrass Indoor Karting. Arrive between 6:00 – 7:00 for your last chance to cast your vote on the 2015 Election and the meeting and karting will begin at 7:00.

The next event is an exciting one for the region, On Saturday October 25th we are hosting our first SCCA Starting Line School at the new NCM Motor sports park Autocross pad. The Starting Line school is designed for folks who are just starting out in autocross or looking for a great way to improve their performance driving skills. We use professional instructors, trained and certified by the Evolution Performance Driving School and put you in the seat for a season’s worth of seat time in just one day. More details can be found at www.sccastartingline.com

The very next day we are holding the first competitive Autocross event on the NCM Autocross pad which is also the last event in the 2014 Great Lakes Solo Series. Come out and join racers from all over the region for this exciting event. Registration details can be found at http://www.motorsportreg.com/events/2014-kyscca-inaugural-event-at-ncm-national-corvette-museum-motorsport-202209#.VCzI5Y4cjS8

Lastly speaking of the new NCM motor sports road course and those of you who would like to see it first hand stay tuned to the Kyscca website and fb page for some exciting news!

For more information on these or any kyscca related events be sure to check our newly remodeled website www.kyscca.com or find us on Facebook.


Brian Mason
Activities Director
