Save The Date! KYSCCA Banquet Saturday, January 24, 2015

Year End Banquet, Season Kick-Off, whatever you call it… is almost here and our venue is booked and food and drink are ordered.
Join us at the Jeffersontown Community Center for a night of fun, awards, announcements, food and drink with your favorite KYSCCA Members!
Tickets will be available SOON via and this year is especially kid friendly with a lower kid’s ticket price.
There will be a cash/credit bar with reasonably priced beer, wine & spirits and a dinner & dessert buffet.
We hope you and your spouse, friends and kiddos will join us at this very special celebration.

Additional Details:
Our one and only “Golden Mic” – Russ Coleman has agreed to MC our event and we are looking for help with the following:

*Banquet Sponsor – aka any person or business willing to donate funds, food, drink, decor or swag to the event!
* Photos & Videos of our events and members and someone to put them all together in a video loop.
*Playlist DJ to compile and monitor our music for the evening.
* Additional Awards Presenters (must be comfortable saying nice things about fellow members)
* Volunteer Raffle Hosts to sell $5 tickets and collect money. (We will be raffling a season or two of FREE KYSCCA AUTOX at the Banquet! Yes, FREE AUTOX FOR A WHOLE YEAR!!!!!!)

Wanna help?
Annie Steinke
Secretary, Banquet Coordinator
