Greetings KYSCCA!
It is that time of year again and by THIS THURSDAY, September 3, 2015 @8:00PM EST @KingPin in Jtown your nominations are due, via email to: with your SCCA # and nomination.
EVERY KYSCCA MEMBER is eligible to nominate themselves or another member (who must also accept the nomination but the same deadline)
Dave Melton, Shawn Lambert & Eric Brown will remain on the board for 2016 based on their term date. All other current board/leadership members will be re-running for their seat:
Board Member:
Josh Murphy
Nathan Steinke
Rich Sinnock
Jamey McDaniel
Brian Mason
Rich Sinnock
Annie Steinke
Your Ballot will be sent via snail mail based on your address given to the SCCA.
Votes will be returned either by snail mail or you can bring your ballot to the Membership Meeting, October 1, 2015 where at 8:00pm EST the Election Committee will tally and announce your 2016 leadership.
For additional questions about the Election or any other KYSCCA happenings please join us, THIS THURSDAY @KingPin Lanes in Jtown @7:00PM EST for our monthly membership meeting.
~Annie Steinke
Secretary – KYSCCA