Introducing your 2015 Leadership

A huge turnout of 64 votes by KYSCCA Members we submitted for the 2015 Election. The race was very close for our two new board seats!

Announced at the October Membership Meeting
Taking office January 1, 2015:

RE: Jamey McDaniel
Activities Director: Brian Mason
Treasurer: Richard Sinnock
Secretary: Annie Steinke

New Board Members:
Eric Brown
Chris Buntin

Shawn Lambert
Nathan Steinke
Dave Melton
Richard Sinnock

The club’s growth this year deserves honorable mention. We have approximately 80 more members than we did at the beginning of the year!

This is thanks to YOU! Our membership and outer-region friends who attend our events with positive attitudes and excellent racing spirit.

The 2015 Season will be even better with the addition of the NCM Motorsports Park, NIGHT AutoX Events, Requests by many for more T&T and Driver’s Schools… Maybe some RallyX even.

Join the fun! Get involved!
Membership Meetings (First Thu. of the Mo. @BIK) are the place to start and get to know the Club’s Leadership and what we have going on and how you can help.

Thanks All!
